As the plane circled over Monterrey, I had a good view of the beautiful green mountains surrounding this city, part of the Sierra Madre Oriental, and in particular the Cerro de la Silla (Saddle Mountain, so named for obvious reasons – see photo) which apparently dominates the view from every part of town.
The young woman turned out to be Susana, my greeter, who was very relieved to see me since she wasn’t sure when my plane would arrive. We waited at the curb for a few minutes for our van to come, and there I also met Michelle, a very friendly Yoruban from Atlanta. On the ride into town, Susana told me that she’d be my personal assistant during my stay here, and would be glad to take me on whatever errands I needed to do once we got unloaded at the hotel.
The Holiday Inn Fundidora is a glitzy, modern hotel which is part of a complex of buildings designed to accommodate conferences, conventions and expositions. It includes, within short walking distance of each other, the hotel, the Cinterplex (a business and exposition center where most of the Encuentro’s events are taking place, alongside the Bridal Fair…), a huge auditorium, a modern multi-purpose arena (Black Eyed Peas, indoor soccer, assorted conventioneers), an arts center (currently featuring an exhibit entitled 'Isis and the Feathered Serpent' – think maybe I’ll go to that one…), a Sesame Street theme park, and last, but not even nearly least, a House of Parrots. It’s also the start of Paseo Santa Lucía, a modernistic walkway around an artificial river, which winds its way for a couple of miles into the center of the city.
After getting settled at the hotel, we had a dinner where everybody was introduced, we were given some necessary materials, and were told a bit about the next day’s events. We’ll be getting a private tour of the complex in the morning; then, in the afternoon, a group of indigenous peoples who have been walking for more than a week from various parts of México will arrive at Parque Fundidora, and we’ve been asked to greet them when they arrive. I’m really looking forward to that.
Yippie! I'm SO excited that you're there and involved and I can't wait to hear the rest of the stories!
HI Andras,
Isobel told me where you were and what you were up to. I'm excited for you.
Yours is the first blog I have looked at. (Jody broke his leg when Dono + Iso were in Africa which means that I immediately became too busy to look at their blog- which would have been my first.) Since I am so inexperienced, I may not leave customery comments. I wish you well and much "success" on your trip. I'm sure you will come home with wonderful stories, new friends, and new insights to share with all of us. Penny Schultz
My Dear Andras,
You talk about being surprised about being a Spiritual Rock Star. I have seen it here at home. When I go to gatherings, the younger groups flock around the wise man to hear he's tale of spiritual guidance and wisdom. I know because at one point I was stage struck. I have been so bless to have to you in my life though I'm sure you wouldn't know me from a fly on the wall. That's ok by me; it's not even what anything is about. I read your spiritual experience in circle and I felt every emotion you wrote, I am in tears thinking about it. The emotions are just so overpowering. I'm part Native American, French and Portuguese so I am always joking about being a walking contradiction, that one half of me tried to kill off the other half. But there is something to be said for that, isn't there. I have to say when I started on my Pagan path in the early 80's I was blessed to have been guided by a close friend named Arana. I was introduced to Earth Spirit and of course that's where I started listening to you and your wisdom. It has stayed in my heart and will always be there. To this day I compare everything I read, every circle I attend and every action I witness in the name of paganism to you and you fundamental roots. So... Thank you, thank you, thank you. You are loved and blessed more than you will ever know. Looking forward to Yule and seeing you there. My blessings to you.
Anana MoonOwl
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